

Today I am starting on a new journey towards closing the year 2022 on a positive note. I started to focus on my health for the next 60 days. A lot of people will start to talk about New Year Resolutions and becoming the “New You” around December & January. But, I'm taking a different route.

My focus is to cultivate the below habits for the next 60 days i.e. until 31st December 2022. I intend to treat these habits stack as my experiment and I look forward to sharing my journey along the way.

The habits I want to establish and track are:

  • Get at least 6 hours of sleep.
  • Complete the C25K programme and on rest days walk for at least 2 miles.
  • Read for a minimum of 5 minutes.
  • Sit down, reflect and contemplate for 10 minutes.
  • Eliminate takeaways and junk food.
  • Reduce meal portion sizes.

Written on: 2022-10-31



Today I noticed that I had the urge to write about my thoughts and feelings. Whenever I want to share something on the web, I feel apprehensive. I am not sure if I wish to share something online. However, sharing is learning to be vulnerable.

Slowly, I am learning to be vulnerable.

Written on: 2022-08-05



Today I started my Meditation Practice after a long time. A few years back, I learned Transcendental Meditation. It was great. I was going through a lot of stress both mentally and emotionally. And, TM helped me a lot to cope and manage my scars.

Over the next couple of years, I have been meditating on and off. I have fallen off TM. I have tried Mindfulness Meditation using apps like Headspace and Calm. But, I always come back to TM i.e Mantra Meditation.

I stumbled upon the Oak Meditation app some years ago and took their Mantra Meditation course. It is very much similar to TM.

Now, so much has changed in my life. And, I wanted to restart my meditation practice.

I’m retaking the Mantra Meditation course in the Oak Meditation app. I hope to complete the 10-day course consecutively.

Today’s session was filled with thoughts and I knew I have meditated and was off to a good start.



Dear Anne, your people are committing inhuman acts of violence toward the Palestinians for more than 70 years.

If you truly believe people are good at heart, would you support the Zionist regime of Israel?

I guess not!




Today I noticed that I do like to run. I remember starting to run nearly a decade ago. I really enjoyed it more than strength training. Now that I’m overweight and in my late thirties, I’m going back to what I have enjoyed to lose my weight.

I’m using a C25K app and finished my first week's run. I’m really excited about this health journey.



I have been procrastinating a lot lately.

It might be because of fasting during the Indian Summer. Apparently, hot weather doesn’t always agree with me when I’m visiting the Motherland. The heat makes me tired and exhausted. It makes me long for the British Summer. I’m sure once I’m back home, I’ll be moaning about the British Summer.



I’m trying to publish short form posts that are my unformed thoughts and opinions. These are open for discussion and debate.

I’m experimenting with my Write.as as a stream of consciousness style blog to detox my dopamine cravings from social media algorithms. The task is simple, whenever I feel the urge to scroll social media, my default mode is to journal in Obsidian or draft a short post for Write.as blog.

The initial test run for this experiment is just two weeks i.e. until 5th April, 2022.

Let’s rock this party!



Sometimes I just like to stare at the screen and watch the waves of the ocean come towards me and go away.

I feel like the ocean is trying to communicate that nothing in this world is permanent. And, do not be afraid to let go!



Thinking Allowed

A new blog on thoughts, musings, ponderings and learnings.

The world needs people who can think.

Thinking is what separates us from animals. However, very few use this invaluable gift.

I look forward to sharing my thinking out loud here. I also encourage everyone to think and share their thoughts.

Think, Share, Change!

